
Research groups


The PSE's teaching staff members participate in Research Groups registered in the CNPq Directory of Research Groups, and in all the groups the leader is accredited to PSE and most of these groups have physical space for the development of research:


- Poison Control Center (Centro de Controle de Intoxicações - CCI) http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/19424

Group leaders: Simone Aparecida Galerani Mossini, PhD and Magda Lucia Felix de Oliveira, PhD.

Participating professors: Miguel Machinski Junior (DBS – UEM), Samuel Botião Nerilo (DBS – UEM), José Carlos Amador (DMD – UEM), Adaelson Alves Silva (UNICESUMAR), Erivelto Goulart (UEM – Retired), Paula Nishiyama (UEM – Retired).

Partnerships: IPCS - Intox (International Programme of Global Directory of Poison Centers), of the World Health Organization; Drugs Research Network, National Office of Policies on Drugs - SENAD in partnership with the Institute of Drugs and Drug Addiction - IDT, from Portugal; ANVISA/RENACIAT - National Network of Information and Toxicological Assistance Centers, Brazilian Association of Toxicological Assistance Centers (ABRACIT), State Health Office - Paraná, City Health Office - Maringá.


Area: Toxic Accidents in Childhood and Adolescence and Repercussions of Toxic Accidents on the Family - To study the repercussions of poisonings and accidents by venomous animals on the family, especially the use of drugs of abuse, suicide/suicide attempts, and scorpionism.

Area: Drugs of Abuse- To promote the training, exchange and decentralization of human resources in research on alcohol and other drugs, aiming at democratizing the access of scientists from all Brazilian regions to projects that meet the goals and assumptions of the National Policy on Public Policy on Drugs. Identify, investigate, and evaluate adverse health events caused by the use of drugs of abuse. Perform case investigations and epidemiological studies.

Area: Poisoning Epidemiology - To study the distribution, frequencies, causes of poisonings caused by chemical agents in the population; carry out toxicovigilance activities.

Area: Environmental Health - To study the chemical agents used in the workplace and their interactions with humans, aiming at the diagnosis of intoxications, the treatment of intoxications, and the prevention of the toxic effects they cause. Obtaining epidemiological data in the area of Occupational Toxicology.

Area: Occupational Toxicology - To study the chemicals and the conditions around humans that may exert some influence on their health; To research chemical agents and their interactions with the human body and the risks posed to health.


- Study Group in Child, Adolescent and Family Health (Grupo de Estudos em Saúde da Criança, Adolescente e Família - GESCAF) http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/464898

Group leaders: Ieda Harumi Higarashi, PhD and Maria de Fátima Garcia Lopes Merino, PhD.

Participating professor: Marcela Demitto Furtado (DEN-UEM).

Partnerships only through the participation of former students, today professors at these institutions: (Jaqueline Dias - UNESPAR, Letícia Gramazio Soares - UNICENTRO).

Goal: to foster studies and research in the area of child, neonatal, adolescent, and family health; to subsidize discussions for qualification in this area of training (from the perspective of initial training and EPS)


- Study and Research Group on Chronic Conditions - UEM (Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisas em Condições Crônicas UEM)


Group leaders: Maria Aparecida Salci, PhD and Marcelle Paiano, PhD.

Participating professors: Cremilde Aparecida Trindade Radovanovic (DEN-UEM), Paula Teresinha Tonin (DEN-UEM).

The group maintains a partnership with the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC.

Goals: To organize studies and provide research on the subject of chronic conditions.


- Group for Studies and Research in Health Educational Practices (Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Práticas Educativas na Saúde - GEPPES) http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/40577

Group leaders: Vanessa Denardi Antoniassi Baldissera, PhD and Lígia Carreira, PhD.

Participating Professors: André Estevam Jaques (DEN-UEM), Célia Maria Gomes Labegalini (UNESPAR), Grace Jacqueline Aquiles (DEN-UEM), Mariana Pissioli Lourenço (UNESPAR), Raquel Cristina Luis Mincoff (UNICESUMAR), Viviani Camboin Meireles (DEN-UEM).

The group participates in the research network - Conversation circle: dialogues on participatory action research.

Goal: to develop studies and application of educational practices and their interface with health from an emancipatory perspective in research and extension projects. It has developed research work whose results have culminated in abstracts published in the annals of national and international events, articles published in indexed journals, course completion papers, master's thesis, and doctoral dissertations.

Research group website: https://sites.google.com/view/geppesuem


- Group for Nursing Study and Research on Quotidian, Imaginary, Health and Family (Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Enfermagem sobre o Quotidiano, Imaginário, Saúde e Família - GEPEQUISF) http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/52914

Group leaders: Cremilde Aparecida Trindade Radovanovic, PhD.

Participating Professors: André Estevam Jaques (DEN-UEM), Marcelle Paiano (DEN-UEM), Maria Aparecida Salci (DEN-UEM), Rafaely de Cassia Nogueira Sanches (DEN-UEM).

 The group provides the researchers and participants with the deepening of the referential "The Comprehensive Sociology and Daily Life of Michel Maffesoli", enabling a partnership with the Séminaire Franco-Brésilien (SFB), Centre d' Étudessur l' Actuel et leQuotidien (CEAQ) Université Paris Descartes - Sorbonne.

Goal: to offer Brazilian and French researchers a space for reflection and research sharing, with the purpose of promoting the collective construction of journal articles and international exchange among researchers.


- Laboratory of Biomechanics and Motor Behavior - UEM (Laboratório de Biomecânica e Comportamento Motor - LABICOM - UEM) http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/4108

 Group Leaders: Pedro Paulo Deprá, PhD and Priscila Garcia Marques, PhD.


- Center for Advanced Studies and Research on Aging (Núcleo de Estudos Avançados e Pesquisas sobre Envelhecimento - NEAPE) http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/35531

Group leaders: Lígia Carreira, PhD and Vanessa Denardi Antoniassi Baldissera, PhD.

Participating professors: André Estevam Jaques (DEN-UEM) and Maria Aparecida Salci (DEN-UEM).

Partnerships: Elton Carlos de Almeida, PhD, collaborator in the Health Surveillance Office of the Ministry of Health; 15th Health Regional Office of the State of Paraná, in the Elderly Health sector; Health Office of the City of Maringá, in the Primary Health Care sector and in the Elderly Care area.

Goals: to broaden and deepen knowledge in gerontological and geriatric nursing; to develop research aimed at the integral care of the elderly and their families and the prospects for healthy aging in different population groups of the elderly; to promote articulation between research, teaching, and outreach to the elderly community; to provide extracurricular integration of undergraduate students and other disciplines with group activities; to participate in the social insertion activities of the elderly through the Open University to Senior Citizens (UNATI/UEM).


- Center for Research, Teaching and Human Resources Training in Health (Núcleo de pesquisa, de ensino em formação de recursos humanos em saúde NEFORHUS)


 Group leaders: Herbert Leopoldo de Freitas Goes, PhD and Rosanna Pattrig Fertonani, PhD.

Goals: the Center for Research, Teaching and Human Resources Training in Health aims to develop research and studies in the area of human resource training in health. Encourage the technical and scientific improvement of your group by supporting graduate studies, internships, and the publication of scientific papers. To support and encourage scientific projects in related areas that complement the knowledge needed to achieve its objectives. To act in the formation of human resources for the undergraduate and graduate courses in consonance with UEM's bodies. To provide advisory, consultancy, and/or technical-scientific services to public or private institutions and bodies, and to contribute with actions and measures aimed at changing the health model for SUS and improving health care.


- Center for Studies, Research, Assistance and Support to the Family (Núcleo de Estudos, Pesquisa, Assistência e Apoio à Família -NEPAAF)


 Group leaders: Sonia Silva Marcon, PhD and Mayckel da Silva Barreto, PhD.

Participating Professors: Catarina Aparecida Sales (DEN-UEM/ retired), Helen Pollyanna Mantelo Cecílio (DEN-UEM), Laura Misue Matsuda (DEN-UEM), Marcela Demitto Furtado (DEN-UEM), Maria Emília Grassi Busto Miguel (DEN-UEM), Sueli Mutsumi Tsukuda Ichisato (DEN-UEM).

The group maintains partnerships with the following institutions: Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS, Federal University of Mato Grosso - UFMT  and Federal University of Pelotas - UFPel.

Goals: NEPAAF aims to bring together researchers and undergraduate and graduate students in nursing and health areas around the theme of family, through the development of outreach and research projects.

The focus of the group is on "family living and the interface with health and illness." Thus, families at different stages of development, in different contexts, and with different configurations have been the object of research and assistance.


- Center for Multidisciplinary Studies and Research in Health Policies, Evaluation and Care (Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Multidisciplinares em Políticas, Avaliação e Atenção em Saúde - NEPEMAAS)


Group leaders: Carlos Alexandre Molena Fernandes, PhD and Maria Antonia Ramos Costa, PhD.

Other participating professors:  Dr. Juan Pedro Fuentes García, research professor at the Universidad de Extremadura, UEX, Spain; Cássia Regina Dias Pereira, PhD/FAFIPA; Dandara Novakowski Spigolon, PhD; Eliane Josefa Barbosa dos Reis, PhD/UNESPAR; Jaqueline Dias, PhD/UNESPAR; Maria Fernanda do Prado Tostes, PhD/UNESPAR; Flávio Ricardo Guilherme, PhD/UNESPAR; Willian Augusto de Melo, PhD/UNESPAR; Guilherme Oliveira de Arruda, PhD/State University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UEMS.

Partnerships: Foundation for the Support of the Paranavaí State University of Education, Sciences and Letters - FAFIPA; Paraná State University - UNESPAR; Mato Grosso do Sul State University - UEMS; and the University of Extremadura - UEX, Spain.

Goals: To develop studies on the processes of construction and implementation of public policies, evaluation, and attention and care for individual and population health, including research in the sociocultural, human relations, clinical, health surveillance, and health education contexts.


- Center for Study and Research in Nursing Services Management (Núcleo de Estudo e Pesquisa na Gestão de Serviços de Enfermagem (Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL) - NEPGESE) http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/35025

Group leaders: Maria do Carmo Lourenço Haddad, PhD (PSE-UEM and UEL) and Mariana Angela Rossaneis, PhD.

Participating Professors: Larissa Gutierrez de Carvalho Silva (UEL), Maria Jose Quina Galdino (UENP-CLM), Patricia Aroni (UEL), Raquel Gvozd Costa (UEL).

The group maintains partnerships with the following institutions: Department of Nursing of the State University of Londrina, with the University Hospital of the State University of Londrina, and the Department of Nursing of the State University of Maringá.

Goals: To develop studies and research in the management of nursing services, focusing on the management of people, material, physical and environmental resources, and human resources training, for the promotion of quality and safety of care.


- Center of Research, Practice and Teaching in Health Management (Núcelo de Pesquisa, Prática e Ensino em Gestão em Saúde - NUPPEGES)

- http://dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/1331017450271144 

Group leaders: Laura Misue Matsuda, PhD and Kelly Cristina Inoue, PhD.

Participating Professors: Alessandra Gobbi Matta (UNINGÁ), Ana Carolina Simões Pereira (UNESPAR), André Estevam Jaques (DEN-UEM), Andressa Martins Dias (DEN-UEM),Edilaine Maran (UNESPAR), Gabriela Machado Ezaias Paulino (IFPR-Londrina),Heloíse Manica (DIN-UEM), Herbert Leopoldo Góes (DEN-UEM), João Lucas Campos de Oliveira (UFRGS), José Aparecido Bellucci júnior (UENP), Maria Antônia Ramos costa (UNESPAR), Maria do Carmo Lourenço Haddad (UEL), Verusca Soares de Souza (UFMT).

Goal: To produce and apply management-related technologies that favor health and life for people, but also contribute to a dignified finitude.

The two main focuses of the research conducted at the Center are in the areas of Nursing Care Management and Patient Safety.