


PSE has a physical infrastructure for the development of teaching and research activities. Considering the set of laboratories in the program, we highlight:

-The Graduate Program in Nursing is accommodated in Building 2 of the main campus of the State University of Maringá, with a total area of 350 m2, with infrastructure for the Office, PSE Coordination Room, Computer Laboratory containing 13 computers with intranet, an amphitheater, two classrooms, a room for studies in group and a room for  individual studies, in addition to a room that houses the Science, Care and Health Journal’s office, which constitutes a learning laboratory related to the dissemination of scientific knowledge for Master's and PhD students. All PSE environments are connected to the intranet network by cable and wireless system. This system was optimized in 2016 through the installation of signal repeater points, enabling a better connection for teaching and research activities that take place at the PSE facilities.


- The Nursing Teaching  Laboratory (Laboratório de Ensino de Enfermagem - LEPEn): structured in two environments, equipped for training in basic nursing practices and procedure simulation. LEPEn has mannequins, equipment, devices, audio-visual resources for the practice of innovative teaching methodologies (TV, DVD player, multimedia kit, camcorder and a collection of about 80 videos in the health area) and computers connected to the Intranet system. It is coordinated by a nurse, who organizes teaching, training and monitors activities. The Graduate program has been inserted in LEPEn´s activities, through the reorganization of the monitorship of the discipline Community Health II, and through the works of Master's and PhD students, as part of their Teaching Internship activities.

 -Observatory-UEM (Observatory of the Metropolis - Maringá Center) is a study research group that works on a national network bringing together researchers from institutions in the university, governmental and non-governmental fields. The observatory of the Metropolis - Maringá Center  is part of a national network of researchers created with the help of the Support Program for Excellence Centers-PRONEX/CNPq, whose purpose is to develop university teaching and outreach activities that contribute to the construction of a public sphere that can influence the decisions of the players who act in the context of the formulation of public policies. The Observatory-UEM has a computer infrastructure in addition to data georeferencing work methodology from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE). The PSE develops research and teaching work partnerships using the Observatory´s facilities.

-UEM Documentation Center (Central de Documentação Da UEM - CDO): The PSE also has resources allocated in a Research Center, implemented with resources from CTInfra/Institutional/FINEP 003/2001, of an institutional and multi-user nature. In this Research Center there is a set of laboratories called Documentation Center-CDO, in which specific equipment is allocated, which can be used for research carried out in the PSE. CDO has physical space for the development of work and equipment to support: digitalization of large document masses, whether from paper or digital documents, cartographic documents or imagery (scanner of various types); sound and image acquisition and storage (microphones, recorders, cameras, editing station).

-Research groups led by permanent professors constitute a consolidated space to provide students with growth in research and teaching training

-NPD (Núcleo de Processamento de Dados-Data Processing Center): The program also relies on the infrastructure of the Computer Laboratory from the Data Processing Center (Núcleo de Processamento de Dados - NPD) at UEM, which has 130 computers, printers, scanners and multimedia projectors. This center conducts training, provides advice and also serves as classroom for the disciplines “Use of Information Systems in Health”, “Biostatistics”, “SPSS” and “Simple and Multiple Linear Regression”,  in addition to other teaching activities such as the class taught by librarian to incoming  students with the aim of teaching the use of bibliographic search tools  at the UEM Central Library. The NPD’s IT laboratory also has its infrastructure used in courses offered by the PSE, such as the course “Systematic Review Management: StArt program- State of the art though systematic”, taught by prof. Alessandro Rolin Scholze, PhD from UENP(Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná - State University of Northern Paraná), Luiz Meneghel Campus.

Computer resources:

-The program relies on the infrastructure of the Data Processing Center’s (Núcleo de Processamento de Dados - NPD) IT laboratory at UEM, which has 130 computers, printers, scanners and multimedia projectors that carry out training, provide advice and also serve as a classroom for the discipline of “Biostatistics”, “SPSS: and “Independent Study: analysis of temporal series:.

-PSE’s Computer Lab, with 13 computers connected to the intranet network for the exclusive use of graduate students.

Institutional Support Infrastructure:

- Regional University Hospital of Maringá (Hospital Universitário Regional de Maringá - HUM): in addition to the Department of Nursing, the HUM is used for research, teaching and outreach activities. The research projects developed at this location are previously discussed and approved by the HUM’s Academic Activities Regulation Commission (Comissão de Regulamentos das Atividades Acadêmicas do HUM - COREA).

- Poison Control Center (Centro de Controle de Intoxicações - CCI): located at the Regional University Hospital of Maringá, it has an area with IT resources, bibliographic material and resources for welcoming members and holding meetings, facilitating scientific production and exchange between peers. Furthermore, it constitutes a service that enables the carrying out of teaching, research and extension activities, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

- Science, Care and Health Magazine: official publication of the Department of Nursing at UEM, it is an important means of dissemination of the production of the Brazilian Nursing teachers and students. The Qualis of the journal is classified as B2. The main reason for classification was the fact the journal was not indexed on the Scopus database. Thus, in order to obtain such indexation, from 2013 onwards, the magazine became digital only and published articles in Portuguese and English. The journal is included in the BVS Nursing network, and is fully available on the website: www.revden.br

- 15th Health Regional of the State of Paraná: it is an institution that also maintains a close partnership with the PSE both as a field of university extension activities, as well as teaching and researching.


The general collection of UEM’s Central Library has reference works on CD-ROM, which can be used by users to consult publications in national and international journals. Among these works we highlight the Biological Abstract, Current Contents Life Sciences and Tropical Diseases Bulletin.

BCE has almost 19,000 m2 of facilities, which includes a laboratory with 40 computers for training undergraduate and graduate students on bibliographic research in databases.

Through the internet, the BCE is also integrated with the systems: Portal CAPES-Pubmed Services, BIREME/VHL, COMUT, Antares Network Project.